Man on motorcycle wearing custom molded earplugs

Motorcycle Ear Plugs - Motorsport Earplugs

Whether it’s a Sunday motorcycle ride or competitive track racing hearing protection becomes critical. Wind noise beneath even the best tight fitting helmets presents the main risk and concern to hearing with levels reaching as high as 98dB at higher speeds. Insta-Mold provides the solution, the in-the-ear design will fit comfortably under helmets, will provide hearing protection and filtered options enable awareness of traffic and environmental noise around you.

For Motorcycling and Motorsport, we would recommend the Insta-Mold filtered full shell custom hearing protection which offers environmental awareness and SNR 25dB of hearing protection.

Earplugs serve as our protection from terribly serious noises which may cause heavy damage to our hearing. If you usually find yourself in an environment that’s sometimes noisy, it’s best to think about getting earplugs for yourself.

Sounds that have a noise level activity of over 90 decibels could cause hearing afflictions that could lead to permanent hearing loss. That’s why earplugs are invented. They’re the tiniest and most accessible protection that you may have to make yourself safe from these problems.

For instance the constant engine noise is not just annoying, but can damage your health. Sadly, most motorcycle helmets do not provide correct hearing protection; therefore earplugs are the best answer.

They are made to particularly fit your ear. They are molded to follow the lines of your ear so you won’t feel any pain. A lot of them are water-proof so you are assured of comfort and ease. They’re also soft so that you can wear them under your helmet.  

So before you get yourself into activities such as shooting sports, motor cycling, rock and roll concerts, and car races, make sure that you have got your own molded plugs to keep your ears in good shape!

Custom Made Motorcycle Earplugs | Custom Made Motorcycle Ear Plugs | Motorcycle Earplugs Sydney | Motorcyclist Ear Plugs | Custom Ear Plugs

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