About Custom Fit Earplugs

man inspecting ear for custom hearing protection
Great Britain's Olympic Athlete Aaron Heading getting fitted with Custom Earplugs for Shooting

Custom Fit Earplugs is a small business operated by Darren from his residence in Gymea, Sydney. He commenced operating in the U.K. in 2017 as a result of Darren purchasing a set of custom moulded earplugs for sleeping. Being a musician and DJ, Darren understood the importance of ear protection and decided to become an ‘Insta-mold’ provider in the city of Peterborough, U.K. 
In 2019 Darren decided to return to The Shire to be closer to family and friends and offer his custom moulded earplugs to adults and kids alike in preventing ear infections, surfer’s ear and tinnitus.

Darren is fully trained and certified by the British Society of Audiology in Otoscopy & Impression Taking. 

Our custom moulded earplugs are made from a medical grade, hypo-allergenic silicone and offer a Custom Fit using your ears as the mould.

Custom Fit Earplugs offers hearing protection for a variety of leisure activities including swimming, biking, shooting, surfing and skydiving. As well as providing hearing protection for industry, factories, construction and musicians.

Individual fittings are completed in our Gymea residence on an appointment only basis. Our earplugs are suitable for adults and children across a number of applications.

For industrial fittings, we can come to your worksite to fit several employees together.


IMPORTANT WARNING – Our earplugs are NOT suitable for scuba diving.

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